Welcome to 100 Persistence HabitNow.

App registration number: Guangdong ICP No. 2023066801-3A

【Special Tips】

"100 Persistence HabitNow" once again reminds you (user) to carefully read this "Privacy Policy Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") before registering as a user to ensure that you fully understand the terms of this Agreement (especially those in bold marked content). Please read carefully and choose to accept or not accept this agreement. Unless you accept all the terms of this Agreement, you have no right to register, log in or use the services covered by this Agreement. Your registration, login, use, etc. will be deemed as your acceptance of this Agreement and your agreement to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

This agreement stipulates the rights and obligations between "100 Persistence HabitNow" and users regarding the "APP" software service (hereinafter referred to as "service"). "User" refers to an individual who registers, logs in, and uses this service. This agreement can be updated by "100 Persistence HabitNow" at any time. Once the updated agreement terms are announced, they will replace the original agreement terms without further notice. After "100 Persistence HabitNow" modifies the terms of the agreement, if the user does not accept the revised terms, please immediately stop using the services provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow". The user's continued use of the services provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" will be deemed to have accepted the modifications. Agreement after

List of sensitive information explicitly processed

[Instructions for collecting device personal information]

1. In order to identify your device ID and prevent malicious programs and anti-cheating, improve service security, and ensure operational quality and efficiency, we will collect your device information (including IMEI, device serial number, OAID, MEID, Android ID, MSI, GUID, MAC address, SIM card serial number), installed APP information or running process information.

2. When you open the homepage of the page, in order to adapt to the status of your device, we will call the device's gravity, acceleration and other sensor information to identify the horizontal and vertical screen status of your device.

3. When you share or receive shared information, you need to access your clipboard locally and read the password, sharing code, and link contained in it to achieve jump, sharing, Functions or services such as activity linkage.

4. In order to realize the running acceleration function, we will request your storage permission to obtain external storage information (SD card data) to check the phone's CPU, memory and SD card conditions.

[Auto-start and associated startup instructions]

1. In order to ensure that the application can normally receive the information pushed by the client when it is closed or running in the background, the application must use the (self-starting) ability to send broadcast wake-ups through the system at a certain frequency. The self-starting or associated startup behavior of this application is necessary to implement functions and services.

2. When you open a content push message, the relevant content will be redirected to you after obtaining your explicit consent. There will be no self-initiation or associated activation without your consent.

3. When you open a file downloaded within this App, the third-party App will be launched in association with it.

[Installed APP information]

1. In order to ensure that this application can normally provide personalized recommendations, improve user experience, and check whether there is an updateable version of this application, it is necessary to obtain your installed APP information.

2. Your installed APP information will not be obtained without your consent.

[Collect installation list instructions]

1. In order to ensure that this application can normally provide personalized recommendations, improve user experience, and check whether there is an updateable version of this application, you need to obtain your application installation list.

2. Your list of installed applications will not be obtained without your consent.

1. Registration
1. Registration qualifications: Users must be natural persons, legal persons or other organizations with corresponding statutory rights and capacity, and be able to independently bear legal responsibilities. When you complete the registration process or actually use the platform services in other ways agreed to by the APP platform, you will be deemed to have confirmed that you have the subject qualifications and can independently bear legal responsibilities. If you do not have the subject qualifications, you and your guardian will be responsible for all consequences.
2. Registration information: Users should provide registration information to this site in good faith. Users agree that the registration information they provide is true, accurate, complete, legal and valid. If the user's registration information changes, their registration information should be updated in a timely manner. If the registration information provided by the user is illegal, untrue, inaccurate, and incomplete, the user shall bear the corresponding responsibilities and consequences arising therefrom, and "100 Persistence HabitNow" reserves the right to terminate the user's use of various services on this platform.
3. The user confirms that he is over 18 years old and has full capacity for civil conduct.

2. Service content
1. Users need to register a "100 Persistence HabitNow" account before using this service. "100 Persistence HabitNow" accounts should be registered with a mobile phone number. Users are asked to use a mobile phone number that has not been bound to a "100 Persistence HabitNow" account and an account that has not been blocked by "100 Persistence HabitNow" in accordance with this agreement to register "100 Persistence HabitNow" account. "100 Persistence HabitNow" can change the account registration and binding methods according to user needs or product needs without notifying users in advance.
2. The specific content of this service is provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" based on the actual situation, including but not limited to authorized users to conduct instant messaging, add followers, publish updates, and publish topic posts through their accounts. "100 Persistence HabitNow" can change the services it provides, and the service content provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" may change at any time; no further notice will be given after the service is changed. If the user continues to use it, it means that he agrees to the service change. If he does not agree, Please stop using the services provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" immediately.

3. Protection of users’ personal privacy information
1. During the process of registering an account or using this service, users may need to fill in or submit some necessary information, such as identity information that needs to be filled in as stipulated in laws, regulations, and regulatory documents (hereinafter referred to as "laws and regulations"). If the information submitted by the user is incomplete or does not comply with laws and regulations, the user may not be able to use this service or may be restricted in the process of using this service.
2. Personal privacy information refers to information involving the user’s personal identity or privacy, such as the user’s real name, ID number, mobile phone number, mobile device identification code, IP address, and user chat history. Non-personal private information refers to the basic record information clearly and objectively reflected on the "100 Persistence HabitNow" server such as the user's operating status and usage habits of this service, other general information outside the scope of personal privacy information, and the above-mentioned private information that the user agrees to disclose. .
3. Respecting the privacy of users' personal privacy information is a consistent system of "100 Persistence HabitNow". "100 Persistence HabitNow" will take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure the security of users' personal privacy information and prevent users from collecting personal information in this service. Private information is leaked, damaged or lost. When the above situation occurs or "100 Persistence HabitNow" discovers that there is a possibility of the above situation happening, remedial measures will be taken in a timely manner.
4. "100 Persistence HabitNow" will not disclose or reveal users' personal privacy information to any third party without the user's consent. Except for the following specific circumstances:
(1) "100 Persistence HabitNow" provides users' personal privacy information in accordance with laws and regulations or instructions from competent authorities;
(2) Any leakage of personal information caused by users telling others their user passwords or sharing registered accounts and passwords with others, or other leaks of personal privacy information not caused by "100 Persistence HabitNow";
(3) Users disclose their personal privacy information to third parties on their own;
(4) The user and "100 Persistence HabitNow" and its partners have reached an agreement on the use and disclosure of the user's personal privacy information, and "100 Persistence HabitNow" therefore discloses the user's personal privacy information to the partner;
(5) Any leakage of users’ personal privacy information due to hacker attacks, computer virus intrusions and other force majeure events.
5. The user agrees that "100 Persistence HabitNow" can use the user's personal privacy information in the following matters:
(1) "100 Persistence HabitNow" sends important notifications to users in a timely manner, such as software updates and changes to the terms of this agreement;
(2) "100 Persistence HabitNow" conducts internal audits, data analysis and research to calculate user ranking data, improve "100 Persistence HabitNow" products, services and communication with users;
(3) In accordance with this agreement, "100 Persistence HabitNow" manages, reviews user information and takes processing measures;
(4) Other matters stipulated in applicable laws and regulations.
In addition to the above matters, "100 Persistence HabitNow" will not use users' personal privacy information for any other purpose without obtaining the user's prior consent.
6. "100 Persistence HabitNow" attaches great importance to the restrictions on minors logging into this platform. There will be a prominent reminder of the age requirement of being over 18 years old during the platform registration process. Any minor under the age of 18 who forcibly registers an account or uses this service must obtain the consent of his or her guardian.
7. In order to improve the technology and services of "100 Persistence HabitNow" and provide users with a better service experience, "100 Persistence HabitNow" may collect and use users' non-personal privacy information on its own or provide it to third parties.

4. Content specifications
1. The content mentioned in this article refers to any content produced, uploaded, copied, published, and disseminated by users during the use of this service, including but not limited to account avatars, names and other registration information, or text, voice, pictures, videos, graphics, etc. Send, reply or automatically reply to messages and related link pages, as well as other content generated by using the account or this service.
2. Users may not use the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account or this service to create, upload, copy, publish, or disseminate content prohibited by the following laws, regulations, and policies:
(1) Opposing the basic principles established by the Constitution;
(2) Endangering national security, leaking state secrets, subverting state power, and undermining national unity;
(3) Damaging national honor and interests;
(4) Inciting ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, and undermining ethnic unity;
(5) Undermining national religious policies and promoting cults and feudal superstitions;
(6) Spreading rumors, disrupting social order, and undermining social stability;
(7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or instigating crimes;
(8) Insulting or slandering others and infringing upon others’ legitimate rights and interests;
(9) Information containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.
3. Users may not use the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account or this service to create, upload, copy, publish, or disseminate the following content that interferes with the normal operation of "100 Persistence HabitNow" and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties:
(1) Contains any sexual or sexually suggestive content;
(2) Containing abusive, intimidating or threatening content;
(3) Contains harassment, spam advertising, malicious information, and deceptive information;
(4) Involving other people’s privacy, personal information or data;
(5) Infringement of other people’s reputation rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other legitimate rights;
(6) Contains other information that interferes with the normal operation of this service and infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users or third parties.

5. Rules of use
1. Any content transmitted or published by users in or through this service does not reflect or represent, nor shall it be deemed to reflect or represent the views, positions or policies of "100 Persistence HabitNow". "100 Persistence HabitNow" This assumes no responsibility.
2. Users are not allowed to use the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account or this service to conduct the following behaviors:
(1) Submit or publish false information, or steal other people’s avatars or information, impersonate or use other people’s names;
(2) Forcing or inducing other users to follow, click on linked pages or share information;
(3) Fabricating facts and concealing the truth to mislead or deceive others;
(4) Using technical means to create fake accounts in batches;
(5) Use the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account or this service to engage in any illegal and criminal activities;
(6) Produce and publish methods and tools related to the above activities, or operate or disseminate such methods and tools, regardless of whether these activities are for commercial purposes;
(7) Other behaviors that violate laws and regulations, infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of other users, interfere with the normal operation of "100 Persistence HabitNow" or are not expressly authorized by "100 Persistence HabitNow".
3. The user shall be solely responsible for the authenticity, legality, harmlessness, accuracy, validity, etc. of the information transmitted using the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account or this service. Any legal liability related to the information disseminated by the user shall be borne by the user. At your own risk and not affiliated with 100 Persistence HabitNow. If this causes damage to "100 Persistence HabitNow" or a third party, the user shall compensate it in accordance with the law.
4. The services provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" may include advertisements, and users agree to display advertisements provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" and third-party suppliers and partners during use. Unless expressly provided by laws and regulations, users shall be solely responsible for the transactions conducted based on the advertising information. "100 Persistence HabitNow" will not be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by the user due to transactions conducted based on the advertising information or the content provided by the aforementioned advertisers. assume no responsibility.

6. Account Management
1. The ownership of the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account belongs to "100 Persistence HabitNow". After the user completes the application registration procedure, he will obtain the right to use the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account. This right to use only belongs to the initial applicant and registrant, and gifts and borrowing are prohibited. , rent, transfer or sell. "100 Persistence HabitNow" has the right to reclaim the user's "100 Persistence HabitNow" account due to business needs.
2. Users can change or delete personal information, registration information and transmission content on the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account, but it should be noted that deleting relevant information will also delete the text and pictures stored in the system. Users bear this risk.
3. Users are responsible for properly keeping the security of their registered account information and account passwords. Failure to do so may result in account theft or password theft, and the user shall be solely responsible for this. Users need to bear legal responsibility for their actions under the registered account and password. User agrees not to use another user's account or password under any circumstances. If the user suspects that someone else is using their account or password, the user agrees to notify "100 Persistence HabitNow" immediately.
4. Users should abide by the terms of this agreement and use the service correctly and appropriately. If the user violates any terms of this agreement, "100 Persistence HabitNow" has the right to interrupt or terminate the breach of contract to the user in accordance with the agreement after notifying the user. "100 Persistence HabitNow" account provides services. At the same time, "100 Persistence HabitNow" reserves the right to withdraw the "100 Persistence HabitNow" account and user name at any time.
5. If a user does not log in for one year after registering a "100 Persistence HabitNow" account, "100 Persistence HabitNow" can take back the account after notifying the user to avoid wasting resources, and the user will be responsible for any adverse consequences.

7. Data Storage
1. "100 Persistence HabitNow" is not responsible for the deletion or failure to store user-related data in this service.
2. "100 Persistence HabitNow" can determine the maximum storage period of the user's data in this service based on the actual situation, and allocate the maximum storage space for the data on the server. Users can back up relevant data in this service according to their own needs.
3. If the user stops using the service or the service is terminated, "100 Persistence HabitNow" can permanently delete the user's data from the server. After the service is stopped or terminated, "100 Persistence HabitNow" has no obligation to return any data to users.

8. Risk Bearing
1. Users understand and agree that "100 Persistence HabitNow" only provides users with a platform for information sharing, transmission and acquisition. Users must be responsible for all actions under their registered accounts, including any content transmitted by users and any resulting consequences. as a result of. Users should make their own judgments on the content in "100 Persistence HabitNow" and this service and bear all risks arising from the use of the content, including risks arising from reliance on the correctness, completeness or usefulness of the content. "100 Persistence HabitNow" cannot and will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by user actions.
If the user finds that anyone violates this agreement or uses the service in other inappropriate ways, please report or complain to "100 Persistence HabitNow" immediately, and "100 Persistence HabitNow" will handle it in accordance with this agreement.
2. The user understands and agrees that due to business development needs, "100 Persistence HabitNow" reserves the right to unilaterally change, suspend, terminate or cancel all or part of the service content of this service, and the user shall bear this risk.

9. Intellectual Property Statement
1. In addition to the intellectual property rights related to advertisements in this service owned by the corresponding advertisers, the knowledge of the content (including but not limited to web pages, text, pictures, audio, videos, charts, etc.) provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" in this service All property rights belong to "100 Persistence HabitNow", except for users who have legally obtained intellectual property rights for the content they posted before using this service.
2. Unless otherwise stated, the copyright, patent rights and other intellectual property rights of the software that "100 Persistence HabitNow" relies on when providing this service belong to "100 Persistence HabitNow".
3. The above and any other intellectual property rights owned by "100 Persistence HabitNow" or related advertisers are protected by law. Users may not use or create related derivatives in any form without the written permission of "100 Persistence HabitNow" or related advertisers. work.
4. The content on the "100 Persistence HabitNow" APP can be edited by multiple people, including but not limited to questions and supplementary explanations, answer summaries, and topic structures. All participating editors agree that the relevant intellectual property rights belong to "100 Persistence HabitNow". and sign the author's name; if payment of royalties is required according to legal provisions, "100 Persistence HabitNow" and the author should be notified and paid, and at the same time bear all legal responsibilities independently.
5. Any content used by the user on the "100 Persistence HabitNow" APP without the permission of "100 Persistence HabitNow" should be marked "from "100 Persistence HabitNow"" and signed with the author's name. If remuneration is required by law, the user should Notify "100 Persistence HabitNow" and the author, pay royalties, and bear all legal responsibilities independently.
6. Any content published by users and uploaded to the "100 Persistence HabitNow" APP, "100 Persistence HabitNow" enjoys permanent, irrevocable, free, and non-exclusive use worldwide regardless of form or carrier. Rights and sub-licensing rights, including but not limited to modification, reproduction, distribution, exhibition, adaptation, compilation, publication, translation, information network dissemination, broadcasting, performance and reproduction and other rights determined by laws and regulations such as copyright law.
7. All original content published by users on the "100 Persistence HabitNow" APP (including but not limited to answers, articles and comments), of which the copyright created by the user is shared between the user and "100 Persistence HabitNow". The user can authorize a third party to use it in any way without the consent of "100 Persistence HabitNow"; for the content edited by the user and many other people, the relevant intellectual property rights belong to "100 Persistence HabitNow" and are signed with the author's name; in accordance with the law If it is stipulated that royalties need to be paid, "100 Persistence HabitNow" and the author should be notified and paid, and at the same time bear all legal responsibilities independently.
8. If the content of this platform is maliciously reproduced, "100 Persistence HabitNow" reserves the right to take legal action.

10. Legal liability
1. If "100 Persistence HabitNow" discovers or receives reports or complaints from others that users have violated this agreement, "100 Persistence HabitNow" has the right to review relevant content, including but not limited to user information and chat records, at any time without notice. Delete, and depending on the severity of the case, penalties including but not limited to warnings, account bans, device bans, and function bans will be imposed on the offending accounts, and users will be notified of the results.
2. Users understand and agree that "100 Persistence HabitNow" has the right to punish violations of relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this Agreement based on reasonable judgment, take appropriate legal action against any user who violates laws and regulations, and save relevant information in accordance with laws and regulations Report to the relevant departments, etc., and the user shall bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom.
3. The user understands and agrees that the user shall compensate "100 Persistence HabitNow" and its cooperative companies and affiliated companies for any claims, demands or losses, including reasonable attorney fees, claimed by any third party due to the user's violation of this agreement. , and protect it from damage.
4. Responsible contact person: WeChat ID: yangshe_2020 QQ number: 2120170402 Shenzhen Yeben Internet Co., Ltd.
11. Force majeure and other reasons for exemption
1. Users understand and confirm that in the process of using this service, they may encounter force majeure and other risk factors, which may cause the service to be interrupted. Force majeure refers to objective events that cannot be foreseen, cannot be overcome and cannot be avoided, and have a significant impact on one or both parties, including but not limited to natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, epidemics and storms, and social events such as wars, turmoil, government actions, etc. . When the above situation occurs, "100 Persistence HabitNow" will strive to cooperate with relevant units as soon as possible and repair it in a timely manner. However, for any losses caused to users or third parties, "100 Persistence HabitNow" and its cooperative units will not be liable to the extent permitted by law. Disclaimer within.
2. This service, like most Internet services, is affected by differences in factors including but not limited to user reasons, network service quality, social environment, etc., and may be affected by various security issues, such as others using the user's information to cause real-life harassment; other software downloaded and installed by the user or other websites visited contain viruses, which threaten the security of the user's computer information and data, thereby affecting the normal use of the service, etc. Users should strengthen their awareness of information security and user data protection, and pay attention to strengthening password protection to avoid losses and harassment.
3. The user understands and confirms that the service may be interrupted or unable to meet user requirements due to force majeure, computer viruses or hacker attacks, system instability, user location, user shutdown, and any other technical, Internet, communication line reasons, etc. "100 Persistence HabitNow" does not assume any responsibility for any losses caused to users or third parties.
4. The user understands and confirms that during the use of this service, there will be any misleading, deceptive, threatening, defamatory, objectionable or illegal information from any other person, or anonymous information that infringes on the rights of others. "100 Persistence HabitNow" does not assume any responsibility for any losses caused by users or third parties due to or fake information, as well as the actions accompanying such information.
5. The user understands and confirms that "100 Persistence HabitNow" needs to regularly or irregularly inspect or maintain the "100 Persistence HabitNow" platform or related equipment. If the service is interrupted within a reasonable time due to such circumstances, "100 Persistence HabitNow" Persistence HabitNow" does not assume any responsibility for this, but "100 Persistence HabitNow" should provide prior notice.
6. "100 Persistence HabitNow" has the right to deal with illegal or breach of contract content in accordance with laws, regulations and this agreement. This right does not constitute an obligation or commitment of "100 Persistence HabitNow". "100 Persistence HabitNow" cannot guarantee the timely discovery of illegal or breaching content. breach of contract or be dealt with accordingly.
7. The user understands and confirms that "100 Persistence HabitNow" does not assume any responsibility for the quality defects of the following products or services provided to users by "100 Persistence HabitNow" and any losses caused by them:
(1) "100 Persistence HabitNow" provides free services to users;
(2) Any products or services provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" to users.
8. Under no circumstances shall "100 Persistence HabitNow" be liable for any indirect, consequential, punitive, incidental, special or punitive damages, including profits incurred by users due to their use of "100 Persistence HabitNow" or this service loss, liability (even if 100 Persistence HabitNow has been advised of the possibility of such loss). Although this agreement may contain contradictory provisions, the total liability of "100 Persistence HabitNow" to the user, regardless of the cause or manner of conduct, will never exceed the amount paid by the user to "100 Persistence HabitNow" for using the services provided by "100 Persistence HabitNow" 100 Persistence HabitNow" fee (if any).

12. Change, interruption and termination of service
1. In view of the particularity of network services, users agree that "100 Persistence HabitNow" has the right to change, interrupt or terminate part or all of the services at any time. If "100 Persistence HabitNow" changes, interrupts or terminates its services, "100 Persistence HabitNow" shall notify users before the change, interruption or termination, and shall provide affected users with alternative services of equal value.
2. If any of the following circumstances occurs, "100 Persistence HabitNow" has the right to change, interrupt or terminate the free services or paid services provided to users without assuming any liability to users or any third party:
(1) According to the law, users should submit true information, but the personal information provided by the user is untrue, or is inconsistent with the information during registration and fails to provide reasonable proof;
(2) The user violates relevant laws and regulations or the provisions of this agreement;
(3) In accordance with legal provisions or requirements of competent authorities;
(4) For safety reasons or other necessary circumstances.

13. Instructions for self-start and associated startup
1. In order to ensure that the application can normally receive the information pushed by the client when it is closed or running in the background, the application must use the (self-starting) capability, and there will be a certain frequency of sending broadcasts through the system to wake up the application's self-starting or associated startup behavior. , is necessary to realize functions and services.
2. When you open a content push message, the relevant content will be redirected to you after obtaining your explicit consent. There will be no self-initiation or associated activation without your consent.
3. When you open a file downloaded within this App, the third-party App will be launched in association with it.

14. How we collect and use your and your end-users’ personal information
We will specify the purpose of collecting personal information in this statement. If we want to use the collected personal information for other purposes not specified in this statement, we will notify the App developers and/or end users in a reasonable manner. We collect information in order to better, better and more accurately complete the services you choose. We collect information as follows:
1. Information you provide to us
Device information and rough location: IMEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI/ICCID/IP [mainly used for user identification of your 100 Persistence HabitNow data, record of check-in location information, and collection of daily routines Collection of abnormal App operation information】
File reading and writing on the device SD card: It is mainly used when sharing large pictures/multiple pictures or large files between different apps; for example, when you want to share a screenshot of check-in information to WeChat Moments or QQ, you need to Save the picture to the SD card, and then call the external interface of other apps to read the picture just saved. And if you want to save the card to the SD card in the form of a picture, you also need the read and write permissions of your SD card.
2. Relevant information collected by Umeng Mobile Statistics (com.umeng) Umeng SDK
Service type: statistical analysis, social sharing functions; such as the App's large-scale DAU data statistics, WeChat QQ sharing function; Umeng Mobile Statistics SDK, the statistical analysis component can accurately count the application's new additions, startups, activities, custom events, etc. Indicators, and includes the function of locating crash errors.
Types of personal information collected: Device information (IEI/MAC/Android ID/DFA/OpenUDID/ GUID/SIM card IMSI/ICCID/location, etc.)
Third-party name: Beijing Ruixun Lingtong Technology Co., Ltd.
Umeng SDK privacy policy link: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy
Official link: https://developer.umeng.com/sdk/android?spm=a211g2.211692.0.0.641e7d234jzZG8

2.1. Relevant information collected by Tencent Open Platform SDK
Package name: com.tencent.open
Service type: Tencent open platform sdk package, assisting developers to quickly access QQ login, payment, social channels and other functions.
Type of personal information collected: Tencent open platform sdk package, which assists developers to quickly access QQ login, payment, social channels and other functions.
Third-party name: Shenzhen Tencent Computer Systems Co., Ltd.
Official link: https://wikinew.open.qq.com/#/iwiki/864512506
Information type: operating system information, device model information, application list information
Collect/share information: network access, get Wi-Fi status, read phone status, write to external storage, use storage permissions to read external storage information, device identification information (including IMEI, device serial number, OAID, MEID, Android ID, IMSI, GUID, MAC address, SIM card serial number), installed APP information, sensor information, clipboard.

2.2. Alibaba Cloud SDK, including Alipay; mPaaS; Alibaba Ride Code; Alibaba Zhima Credit real-name authentication; relevant information collected by Zhima Authentication SDK
Package name: com.alipay
Third-party name: Zhejiang Taobao Network Co., Ltd., Taobao (China) Software Co., Ltd.
Function: Used for message push and App crash information reporting, third-party authorized login, and sharing information to Taobao
Types of personal information collected: user account name and type, device identifier (IMEI, MEID, IMSI, BSSID, SSID, Android ID, device MAC address, MCC and MNC, device serial number), device permissions (audio and video, address book, Storage information, sensor information, clipboard information, location information), network information (Wi-Fi list, Bluetooth paired device), application information, application list
Privacy Policy Link: https://terms.alicdn.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_taobao/suit_bu1_taobao201703241622_61002.html?spm=a2145.7268393.0.0.f9aa5d7ccvMkrK

3. Relevant information collected by Tencent Bugly SDK
Service type: statistical analysis, App abnormal crash reporting
Types of personal information collected: log information (including: third-party developer custom logs, Logcat logs and APP crash stack information), device ID (including: androidid and idfv), network information, system name, system version and country code
Tencent Bugly SDK privacy policy link: http://tcysysres.tcy365.com/m/thirdserve/bugly.html
4. In the following situations, we do not need to obtain the authorization and consent of the App developer and/or end user to collect and use personal information:
Relevant to the personal information controller's performance of obligations stipulated in laws and regulations;
Directly related to national security and national defense security;
Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;
To protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of the personal information subject or other individuals but it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual;
The personal information involved is disclosed to the public by the personal information subject on his own initiative;
Necessary to conclude and perform a contract based on the requirements of the personal information subject;
Personal information of App developers and/or end users collected from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels;
Necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of the products or services provided, such as discovering and handling product or service failures.
5. How to share, transfer, and publicly disclose personal information of App developers and/or end users
(1) Sharing
We will share necessary personal information with our affiliated companies for the purposes mentioned in this statement.
We may share necessary personal information of App developers and/or end users with partners and third parties to ensure the smooth completion of services provided to App developers and/or end users. Our partners have no right to use the shared personal information for any other purpose.
We will require partners to provide proof of data security capabilities and information security qualifications (such as level protection assessment, information security management system, etc.). When handling sensitive personal information, we will require third parties to use data desensitization encryption technology to better protect personal information. If App developers and/or end users have any objection to the processing of personal information by third parties or find that these third parties pose risks, please contact us.
(2) Transfer
We will not transfer the personal information of App developers and/or end users to any company, organization or individual, except in the following circumstances:
(1) Obtain explicit consent or authorization from the App developer and/or end user in advance;
(2) When involving mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, if personal information transfer is involved, we will require new companies and organizations that hold the personal information of App developers and/or end users to continue to be bound by this privacy statement Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to re-obtain authorization consent from the App developer and/or end user.
(3) Public disclosure
We will not publicly disclose the personal information of App developers and/or end users unless:
(1) After obtaining the explicit consent of the App developer and/or end user;
(2) In the case of mandatory requirements by law, legal procedures, litigation or government authorities.
(4) Exceptions to obtaining prior authorization and consent when sharing, transferring, or publicly disclosing personal information
Please understand that in the following circumstances, in accordance with laws, regulations and national standards, we share, transfer, and publicly disclose the personal information of App developers and/or end users without prior authorization and consent from App developers and/or end users:
(1) Relevant to the personal information controller’s performance of obligations stipulated in laws and regulations;
(2) Related to national security and national defense security;
(3) Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;
(4) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and judgment execution;
(5) To protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of App developers and/or end users or other individuals but it is difficult to obtain my consent;
(6) Personal information disclosed by App developers and/or end users to the public;
(7) Collect personal information from legally publicly disclosed information, such as legal news reports, government information disclosure and other channels.

6. How App developers and/or end users manage their personal information
(1) Management of personal information
We attach great importance to the management of personal information by App developers and/or end users, and do our best to provide relevant rights to query, access, modify, delete, complain and report, and set privacy functions for personal information, so that App developers and /Or end users have the ability to protect their own privacy and information security.
(1) When an end user uses a certain function in the App, the end user can access, modify and delete the registration information and other personal information provided to the App developer during the use of our services, or in accordance with Section 1 of this statement. Contact us through the methods mentioned in Article 10;
(2) When an end user directly claims personal information subject rights from us, the necessary supporting documents should be provided, and we will also conduct identity verification on the end user. When we verify the identity of the end user with the App developer to ensure the security of the end user’s App account, we will respond to the end user’s relevant requests;
(3) When an end user directly asserts personal information subject rights to us, according to the App developer's privacy policy or personal information protection statement, we may also directly send requests related to the end user's personal information to our developers to request its processing and/or seeking help.
(2) Respond to reasonable requests from App developers and/or end users
We will respond to the above-mentioned reasonable requests from App developers and/or end users, such as unreasonable duplication, excessive technical means required (for example, the need to develop new systems or fundamental changes to current practices), risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or unusual We may deny requests that are impractical (for example, involving information stored on backup tapes).
We will be unable to respond to requests from App developers and/or end users under the following circumstances:
(1) Relevant to our performance of obligations stipulated in laws and regulations;
(2) Directly related to national security and national defense security;
(3) Directly related to public security and public health and major public interests;
(4) Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;
(5) We have sufficient evidence that the App developer and/or end user has subjective malice or abused their rights;
(6) To protect the life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests of App developers and/or end users or other individuals but it is difficult to obtain my consent;
(7) Responding to requests from App developers and/or end users will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of App developers or other individuals or organizations;
(8) Involving trade secrets.
If App developers and/or end users have any questions about the realization of the above rights, they can contact us according to the method described in Article 10 of this Statement.
7. How to handle children’s personal information
(1) Persons under the age of 18 (inclusive) must use our App with the consent, authorization, and supervision of their guardians; guardians should explain the relevant privacy policy in detail to users under the age of 18, and authorize and agree to provide children's personal information Information is given to us to implement the relevant functions of the App.
(2) If we have collected personal information from children without your knowledge, please contact us in time and we will delete it promptly unless we are required by law to retain such information. If App developers and/or end users believe that we have mistakenly or accidentally collected information from children, please contact us promptly as described in Article 10 of this Statement.
8. How to change and update this statement In order to provide better services to App developers and as the products and/or services of this platform continue to develop and change, we may revise this statement from time to time.
When the terms of this statement change, we will notify you through website announcements when the version is updated, and indicate the effective date. In addition, if the updated statement affects the rights of App end users, we will promptly announce and update it in this agreement.
Significant changes referred to in this statement include but are not limited to:
(1) Our service model has undergone major changes. Such as the purpose and type of processing personal information, how to use personal information, etc.;
(2) We have undergone major changes in ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. Such as changes in owners caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers, etc.;
(3) The main recipients of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure change;
(4) Significant changes in rights in personal information processing and the way in which they are exercised;
(5) When there are changes in the responsible department, contact information and complaint channels responsible for handling personal information security;
(6) When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.

15. Others
1. "100 Persistence HabitNow" solemnly reminds users to pay attention to the clauses in this agreement that exempt "100 Persistence HabitNow" from liability and restrict user rights. Users are requested to read carefully and consider the risks themselves.
2. The validity, interpretation and resolution of disputes of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If any dispute or controversy occurs between the user and "100 Persistence HabitNow", it should first be resolved through friendly negotiation. If the negotiation fails, the user agrees to submit the dispute or dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction over the place where "100 Persistence HabitNow" is domiciled.
3. No matter whether any provision of this agreement is invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions are still valid and binding on both parties.

Developer of this App: Shenzhen Yeben Internet Co., Ltd.

Developer contact information:

WeChat ID: yangshe_2020
QQ number: 2120170402

Privacy Agreement Update Date: October 12, 2023

Website registration number: Guangdong ICP No. 2023066801-1

© 2023 Shenzhen Yeben Internet Co., Ltd.